Tag Archives: pensions

Send granny out into the snow

Today the bill for UK state pensions comes in at £98billion, but according the Department of Work and Pensions this will almost double in twenty years to £179billion. I wasn’t using rocket science when I predicted the coming tsunami for taxpayers in The New Barbarian Manifesto fifteen years ago. The increasing ageing of the population made this a simple exercise in arithmetic. The DWP have simply put numbers on it. Indeed they say the bill will be £420billion by 2064. This, in a word, is unsustainable. The young employed will refuse to be taxed into penury to support the elderly who refuse to die.

I also predicted that euthanasia will be legalised to reduce both the pensions bill, and the exploding cost of health care. Add on the cost of increased ‘death duties’, which will minimize any moneys passed on to beneficiaries after they finally die, then mansion taxes, and most people will die broke.

Families will start to see euthanasia as the only way they will see any inheritance after taxes. Just like the Inuit of old, when times get tough they will convince granny to leave the igloo and walk out into the snow.